Linggo, Nobyembre 21, 2010

Why at present life people spent their Wealth taking care of their Health?

Someone once asked God; "What surprises you most about Mankind?" God said, "They lose their Health to make money then lose their money to restore their Health. By worrying about the future, they forget the present."

That's why nowadays 91% of the people lying awake at night are worrying and thinking only two things, about HEALTH and Money.

Tama ba ako? Ganito ka rin ba? Isa ka rin ba sa pinagwawalang bahala na kapag may nararamdaman ay ayaw magpatingin sa doktor at kadalasang bulalas ay; "gastos lang yan eh, tsaka na", nakakalungkot di ba?

Madalas natin ipagwalang bahala ang mga ganitong sitwasyon na nauuwi sa pagsisisi sa huli. Nariyang ibulalas mo na ; "sana nung naramdaman ko ito ay pinatingnan ko na, naagapan at napigil sana?", "hindi sana lalaki ang gastusin kung, binigyan ko ng pansin nung una pa lang", "hindi tuloy ako makapag-hanapbuhay ng maayos" etc. Na minsan din dahil sa kagustuhang gumaling ay sumusubok ng kung anu-ano at ang masakit ay pati ang mga naipundar at ari-arian ay naibenta at naisanla na. Masakit hindi ba?

God created us HEALTHY (HEAL-THY SELF), and our body has natural healing ability or the ability to heal thyself that makes all of us having "INNER DOCTOR".

But little did we know the immune system plays vital factor in keeping our body system protected from any harmful entities in our environment and in optimum level. To have a better immune system, we need to cleanse ourselves of free radicals we encounter with frequent exposures to our environment that causes the accumulation of toxins in our body instead of eliminating them. These toxins remain in our tissues, clog our organs, poison our blood and weaken our immune system. This basically requires the application of the process called Detoxification.

Common sources of Toxins:
  1. Unhealthy effects of pesticides, industrial chemicals, food additives and heavy metals.
  2. Environmental threats - individual lifestyle that adds toxic intake like ingesting legal drugs (alcohol and tobacco) and sometimes illegal drugs.
Those we can get from our staple food, canned goods, processed foods, poultry and farm, breads and the like, juices, wines & liquors, the famous junk foods, and many more that we used to include in our monthly groceries. But can we still avoid them, can we live without them, it's going to be part of our daily living through our lifetime, and one thing is for sure Toxins will be the caused whenever we get sick and have a disease.

Disease is the usual culprit when someone accumulated too much toxins on their system that makes their body imbalance. Eventually Disease is also consist of two words like Healthy, Dis-Ease (body become dis-ease), and when the disease become Chronic this will might caused the death of the one suffering from it. Who wants to have these kind of disease, cancers, diabetes, leukemia, hepatitis, hypertensions, asthma (allergy), lupus, and more...
(These types of Disease conditions can be reversed by taking Ganoderma look below)
The Two Causes:
1. Toxins (poison) - anything in our body that should not be there
     a.) Living Toxins - bacteria, virus, fungi, parasites 
     b.) Non-Living Toxins - chemicals, lotion, cream, led, carbon monoxide, preservatives, etc.
     c.) STRESS
2. Body Imbalance (abnormalities) - 
    a.) malfunctions of different cells inside our body (ex. pancreas: insufficient insulin, kidney, lungs, heart, etc.
    b.) cell disorders one after the other

Toxins that are not supposed to be inside our body, like: the food we eat, the water of any form that we drink and the air we breath, and don't look now research found that most of the synthetic drugs are causes toxins too. All of these are now part of our daily living and it is pathetic we need to admit we cannot avoid them anymore, and all we need to do is to adapt to the changes.

That makes the average life span of people to only 68.5 years old.
But in Genesis 6:3 sez: "My spirit shall not contend with man forever... his days shall be one hundred twenty years."

As the saying goes: "the closer we get to nature, the further we far from disease"

There is what we called "Natural Detoxification" from where a process of eliminating wastes and toxins in the body (colon, liver, gall bladder, lungs, skins, lymph and blood). What are the benefits of Detoxification?
  • Stronger immune system
  • Neutralization and elimination of free radicals and other toxins.
  • Assistance in destroying cancer cells while feeding healthy cells.
  • Clearing of mucous, congestion, and fermentation in the digestive tract.
  • Blood purification
  • Cleansing of the palate: cravings for the sugar, salt, fatty foods, junk foods, alcohol and nicotine would be lessened and maybe disappear completely.
We introduce this through: DXN International Pte. Ltd.

The Master Keys of DXN

"There is always a master key to open all the locks. Once we have the master key, no matter where we go, we can answer whatever question thrown to us." Dr. Lim Siow Jin

People suffer from disparate kinds of disease, but seldom do they know the cause of disease. They do not know what actions to take to battle the disease.

Using the Master Key
The four master keys answer all the questions that one will face when approach by a person who has a health problem. Every inquiry will fall under the following basic questions;

  • What happened to me?
  • Can Ganoderma (Red Mushroom) cure me?
  • What shall I do when reaction occurs?
  • How much Ganoderma (Red Mushroom) should I take?

For more information about Ganoderma Red Mushroom or Reishi Mushroom, please visit the following link:
People usually have a faint idea about what is happening to their body when they experience health problems, that's why they seek medical assistance.

When they were introduced to Ganoderma (Red Mushroom), they wanted to know whether it could solve their problem. No matter how they ask the question it will always fall under these four categories when it come to health problems. What happened to them? Can Ganoderma cure? During the consumption of Ganoderma, are these any side effects? and How they are supposed to take Ganoderma? What happened to them, either it's due to toxin or imbalance. There cannot be anything more than that.

It's the first key. Any health problem, external or internal is due to toxin or imbalance. There cannot be anything besides the two.

People say, "I think Ganoderma has brought all my energy levels down. I don't seem to perform as good as before taking Ganoderma." Or some may have experienced noticing the occurrence of disease after taking Ganoderma. How should we handle these situations?

When reaction occurs, it happened either because the body is undergoing detoxification process or because the body is balancing itself. If the body is healthy, problems will never come. The second key is: Whatever the reaction, the body will always be fine. Reactions are just manifestations of undergoing detoxification and balancing process.

The third key is: Ganoderma treats the body and not the disease. It helps  the body get rid of toxins and imbalance and let the body cure itself. Ganoderma does not cure disease. The body has only two problems, toxins and body imbalance. If these problems were cleared, the body will be normalized and all the symptoms / manifestations of the problems caused by these two roots of health problems will disappear.

Lastly, the dosage is not dependent on the disease but instead it depends on the reaction of the body. For first-time consumers, the recommended dosage is: "1-2-4-6" or one pair of RG / GL on the first week, two on the second week, four on the fourth week and six on the following weeks.
  • You can also maintain your dosage at the level of which you feel you have achieved a general sense of well-being.
  • If you are sick, look for the level of which you feel good.

RG - Reishi Gano & GL - Ganocelium - Ganoderma in capsule form
(The Superior Herb - "The King of Herb")
Ranking of Herbs:
3rd Fair Herb - can cure but unable to balance the body
2nd Average Herb - can balance the body but unable to cure.
1st Superior Herb - can balance the body and the body now can cure the sickness

RG - Reishi Gano: (90-day old Red Mushroom) can do scanning, cleansing, detoxifier, preserved youthfulness and promotes healing and relaxation.

GL -Ganocelium :(18-day old) the balancer, provides vitamins & minerals, brain tonic, promotes, build and repair cells and tissues. It also promotes growth and development.

RG / GL together will improved well-being and the body in optimum level.

Ganoderma through RG / GL helps the functioning of cell from various angle:
  • Strengthens the immune system (regain body resistance)
  • Helps body to fight against toxins
  • Anti-Oxidant activity (ex: apple with Ganoderma)
  • Improves oxygen supply of the body
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Has a calming effect (better sleep)
  • Help maintain balance
... so our soldiers inside our body are in action.

Health Testimony from the people who took and trusted DXN Health Products:

DIABETES (Legs for amputation preempted)


KIDNEY CHRONIC DISEASE STAGE-5 (Dr. Cathy Bedia, a Dentist)

(For more Health Testimonial, please click the link)
(Their conditions were all reversed to their normal self through the helped of RG / GL, Spirulina, Roselle Tablet, Spica Tea, Coffee, Cocozhi Chocolate Drink, and all Dxn Health Products)

DXN Health Products are not medicines, they are Food Supplements, therefore we are not advising you to stop consulting you Physician or Doctors, we still need our doctors to check on our conditions or for periodical check-ups.

RG / GL - DXN's Flagship Health Product (Detoxifier and Balancer)
(Php 830.00 a set of RG/GL 30 caps) or (Php 2,030.00 a set of RG/GL 90 caps)

SPIRULINA - The Blood Specialist & The Complete AlkalineFood
(Php 660.00 / bottle of 120 tabs) or (Php 1900.00 for 3 bottles of 120's)

ROSELLE TABLET - 100% Vitamin C & Resistance Booster (available in juice form)
- faster wound healing
- protects from viral illnesses
- protects from Heart Disease or Heart attack
- avoids Heart surgery by reversal
- strengthening the Immune System
(Php 545.00 a bottle of 120 tabs) or (Php 1,465.00 3-bottles of 120 tabs)


LION'S MANE mushroom helps to support a healthy digestive system. It improves indigestion, relieves stomach and duodenal ulcer and chronic gastritis. In addition, Lion's Mane mushroom helps to maintain a healthy nervous system.
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Parkinson's Disease
- Memory  Problem
(Php 1,135.00 per bottle of 120 tabs)
CORDYCEPS Synensis, It has been long-treasured as essential tonic to enhance blood circulation, and maintain healthy kidney function and respiratory system. Lung, Kidney & Urination specialization. It also content Glutathion. 
- Lung tonic, improves respiratory or lungs power
- fortifies the Kidney channel
- improves sex drive, sexual desire and potency
- Asthma
- Bronchitis
- Tuberculosis
- Emphysema
- Cancer
(Php 1,955.00 per bottle of 120 caps or tabs)

ANDRO-G is made from 100% pure Andrographis paniculata. It helps to reduce excessive body heat due to its cooling and soothing effect.. Andrographis paniculata is a traditional herb recognised by herbalists for centuries as a natural remedy for upper respiratory infections, fever, sore throat and flu. It contains andrographolide a bitter compound that contributes therapeutic effects of this herb.
- frequent traveler
- fever / hot flushes 
- malaria / head aches 
- liver problems 
- prostate problem (residual urine)
(Php 340.00 for a bottle or 30 caps or Php 965.00 for 90 caps)

POTENZHI is a powerful male tonic supplement to revive your passion and vitality. It contains power-packed, highest potency and quality of Eurycoma longifoliaJack (Tongkat Ali) and Butea superba extracts, which are well known to boost up male physical strength. 
This formulation is further reinforced with seven precious herb extracts which include Ganoderma, Cordyceps, black pepper, celery, green tea, root of lalang and stem of kayu secang. These herbs have been long treasured as an essential tonic to invigorate male performance and regain virility.
DXN Potenzhi is also considered as the ultimate solution in restoring your male vigor. Let your performance soar with Potenzhi!
Daily consumption of DXN Potenzhi helps to:
- improve blood circulation
- boost up energy level and endurance
- overcome mental fatigue and exhaustion
- strengthen physical performance
(Php 880.00 per bottle of 30 caps)

BEE POLLEN has been a highly regarded health food through the years. It is an excellent source of Vitamin B complex, beta carotene, minerals, amino acids, lecithin and enzymes. 
It is an effective supplement for those who are on diet or fasting. It contains lecithin that helps to break fats in body. Vitamin B complex in Bee Pollen also helps to increase cellular calories burning capacity. It is an instant energy booster that enhances alertness, relieves brain fatigue and improves physical performance.
DXN Bee Pollen tablet is made from selected quality Bee Pollen without any chemical additives and preservatives. It is produced by Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certified factory which employs advanced technology for processing to ensure all nutrients are well preserved. DXN Bee Pollen in tablet form makes it easy to consume anytime and anywhere.
- effective skin beauty product
(Php 665.00 per bottle of 120 tabs)

LINGZHI 3IN1 Coffee w/ Ganoderma Extract
(Php 390.00 / bag of 20 sachet - 1 sachet makes 3-4 cups)

(Php 390.00 / box of 20 tea bags - a tea bag makes 1.5 ltrs of tea)

COCOZHI Chocolate Drink
(Php 510.00 / box of 20 sachet - 1 sachet can make 2-cups)

(Consisting of Food Supplements, Food and Beverages, Personal and Skin Care Series and Household Care) - Mostly our Monthly Basic Needs

All DXN Health Products are covered by PLP or Product Liability Policy Insurance

More on DXN International Pte. Ltd.
DXN has just awarded Top 40 in the World among 100 Corporation that are member of DSAW - USA or Direct Selling Association of the World - USA

DXN for the past  Eight (8) consecutive years is consistently ranked among the Top 1000 Corporation in Business World (and the only MLM Company in the Philippines listed here)
and continuously receiving awards.

For more information, questions and inquiry on how to acquire / purchase these products (on discounted price) you may contact the following numbers (0917)2432480 and (0921)4981696, you may also send an email to or , you can also follow me at Facebook on or

You can also visit,,

I also believe that when someone is Healthy, the Wealth is naturally follows, and when that two combined, the Happiness and Harmony within the family will be easily achieved. Contentment will complete everything.

A Chinese Proverb says:
"When someone share something of value to you and you benefit from it, you have the moral obligation to share it to others... do as I have done."

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